ENL Consortium Ltd. successfully bid for and was awarded Revenue Cycle Management Contracts in the Distribution Zones of Abuja and Ijora, Lagos. ENL recruited expert international management teams in the disciplines of General Utility Management, Electrical Engineering, Public Finance, Information Technology and GIS as well as Operational Management.

The RCM program contributed massively to improved revenue, database sanitization, enumeration and sequencing of customer bills amongst others.

In the field of Information Technology, ENL developed software that allowed touch button representation of consumer bills for the first time and contributed massively to sanitize billing and reduce inaccurate bills that had plagued consumers for years.

                                           DETAILS OF THE RCM PROGRAM

Abuja District of the RCM Performance: The RCM initiative in Abuja achieved remarkable results. The monthly cash collection in the Abuja Contract area increased from =N=130 million in December 2001 to =N= 550 million in April 2005. This was an increase of over 400% on a monthly basis within a period of 4 years!

This was a remarkable achievement if one considers that the cost of the RCM program amounted to less than 5% of this improved revenue. Clearly the intervention (RCM in Abuja) had been cost effective and of immense benefit to the electricity sector.


As a result of the inability of Power Holding Company of Nigeria to successfully implement a tenable metering program for its customers, and as a direct result of ground-breaking pioneering work by ENL Consortium with Prepayment Pilot projects, the Utility with Government backing, requested for 6 companies that performed well under the RCM program, to bid for metering contracts for the 11 Distribution Zones.

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ENL Power was subsequently awarded contracts to supply and install approved technologies in two distribution zones, and signed contracts to install 161 000 Pre-Paid meters per zone between October and December 2006. The total amount required to mobilize and install these meters exceeded 100, 000, 000.00 US Dollars.

Unfortunately these contracts were inexplicably halted in October 2008.

Presently, we have STS prepayment CONLOG meters in excess of 50,000 which can be deployed in the network of any Distribution company as part its metering objectives and are both interoperable and STS compliant with existing prepaid meter systems.These meters are of various configurations- Single Phase Split (DIN-rail), Three Phase Split and Single Phase Compact meters- all with enclosures.